What is PowerX?
PowerX is an easy to use, web-based student information system. It is intended to provide parents, students and teachers with a tool to communicate student performance. PowerX may be accessed from any place the parent/guardian can access the Internet. The application is a secure link that encrypts the data to and from the end user. In addition, a username and password are provided to allow access for only authorized users to the appropriate student records.
How do I access the Parent Portal?
The Parent Portal can be accessed using the link on the Tooba Academy website or at the web address: https://powerx.toobaacademy.com/site/userlogin . Parent login information will be sent with student or mailed home to the current mailing address on file.
What can I see on the Power X site?
Parents and students can access the following information:
- Attendance for the past two weeks
- Daily School Bulletin used by the school
- Grades for current classes, as well as the assignments that make up those grades
- Teacher Comments
- Reports via email, which allow parents to request daily, weekly, or monthly reports to be sent via email and much more
Do parents and students see the same information in Power School?
When students and parents access the Power X server, they see the same information with one exception; only parents have the ability to request automatic progress reports via email.